Civil Litigation Services
At this time Civil Litigation Services are currently only available for Arizona residents. If you reside in another state and need Civil Litigation Services, please contact us.

Small Claims Complaint
We prepare and file your small claims complaint with the court for you. You provide basic information and we use that to draft the complaint and file it with the court. In Arizona, a Plaintiff may only file a small claims lawsuit for up to $3,500.00.

Civil Complaint
An Arizona Civil Complaint is filed with the civil court to sue an individual or business. The Complaint is filed and must then be served on the Defendant who has 30 days to file an answer to your complaint. A Civil Complaint may be filed for any amount of money up to $10,000.00

Answer to a Lawsuit
An Answer is filed with the court after you have been sued by an individual or business. You have 30 days from the date you were served to file and serve an Answer to the Complaint. An Answer is used to either admit or deny parts of the Complaint and also list any defenses you have to the lawsuit.​​